
Truth to Tell: The Gospel as Public Truth is unavailable, but you can change that!

An important book for all who are concerned with the impact of Christianity on today’s world, Truth to Tell affirms the gospel as the truth—not only for personal life but also for life at the public, societal level. In emphasizing the Christian gospel as the truth that calls for radical conversion, Lesslie Newbigin runs counter to the prevailing subjectivism and skepticism in our society...

known by the senses. Human history was an unending struggle of virtue against fortune, of the skill and courage and cunning of the human will against the blind power of fate which would—in the end—always prevail. The classical world had lost its nerve. Truth was ultimately unknowable. In Gibbon’s tart words, all religions were to the people equally true, to the philosophers equally false, and to the government equally useful. And this inward and spiritual decay was matched by all too visible disasters
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